Coming Soon!
Av. Año de Juarez #168
Col. Granjas San Antonio
Iztapalapa, Mexico, DF
CP 09070
Tel.+52 (55) 5582-3345
We are working on creating a better experience of our site for all english speaking users. For the time being, please feel free to read our compnay profile untill we have an english version of this site up and running.
We appologize for any inconvenience!
Enlglish Site
Quality is a word that has been thrown around so much that we feel that it's lost it's original meaning, now it stands for "kind of good" or "it won't break down very soon." At first, we thought that quality should ring at the same tone as Navia, but we believed that this word was so hackneyed that it would not realy transmit what we wanted to offer. After sessions of brainstorming, we realized that it wasn't only quality what we wanted to offer, but comfort.
Comfort goes beyond the quaint idea of quality. Comfort is not only an ergonomic factor. For us it entails a long lasting product, high performance, pleasing aesthetics and most importantly, that it interacts and integrates "comfortably" into our day to day lifes.
For this reason, Navia is Comfort.
What is Grupo Anavia?
Grupo Anavia is a Mexican company that Designs, develops, manufactures and markets houseware appliances. Formed in 2009, it is led by a team of professionals, mareketers and engineers with a long experience in leading companies within the Mexican houseware appliance industry, joined together by this ideal of confort for the consumer and our clients.
Our products are made under strict quality stantards and they are designed to give the most amount of comfort that we can produce. An example would be our fans. Not only do they last long or do they integrate nicely into our living and working spaces, our products have to perform well above the market average to become performance leaders as well.